Louis Taber
Programming Fundamentals

©Louis Taber

March 29, 1998

This document is the syllabus, lab assignments, attendance and grading policy, and most handouts used in Louis Taber's CSC130 class.

The hypertext version of this document contains many hyper links to other references.

I would like to thank Ann Houck, Bill Pagnotta, Cindy Dooling, the Computer Science Department at Pima Community College, West Campus, and many unnamed students for their help and assistance in getting the materials ready for my classes and helping my classes run smoothly.

This document is written in a version of LaTeX called HyperLaTeX written by Otfried Cheong. HyperLaTeX uses Leslie Lamport's LaTeX, a document preparation system, Donald E. Knuth's TeX, typesetting program, and the FSF emacs text editor.

A postscript version of this document is avaliable by ftp at:
red.cscwc.pima.edu/pub/prog.ps. It may be older than the hypertext version.

This document is available under the FSF public use license. Please contact the author if you are interested.

Class calendar
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Links to sections.

  • 1 CSC130 Class information
  • 2 Syllabus
  • 2.1 Catalog Description
  • 2.2 Text Book
  • 2.3 Class content
  • 2.4 Lab Resources
  • 3 Attendance and Grading Policy
  • 3.1 Course grade
  • 3.2 Y Option
  • 3.3 Quizzes
  • 3.4 Exams
  • 3.5 Attendance
  • 3.6 Labs
  • 3.7 Software License and Copyright Statement
  • 3.8 Scholastic Ethics
  • 3.9 Americans with Disabilities Act
  • 4 Class Schedule
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Reading and Assignments
  • 5 Computer Constructs, Constraints, and Structures.
  • 5.1 Bits, Bytes, Numbers, and Structures
  • 5.1.1 Bits
  • 5.1.2 Characters
  • 5.1.3 Enumerated Data
  • 5.1.4 Fixed Point Numbers
  • 5.1.5 Binary Coded Decimal -- BCD
  • 5.1.6 Offset numbers
  • 5.1.7 Scaled Numbers
  • 5.1.8 Floating Point Numbers
  • 5.1.9 Addresses and Pointers
  • 5.1.10 Bit fields
  • 5.1.11 Structures
  • 5.2 Data Representation - Standards
  • 5.3 Hardware Review
  • 5.3.1 Processor
  • 5.3.2 Constants and Limits
  • 5.3.3 Program constructs
  • 5.3.4 Program Structure
  • 5.3.5 Searching, Linked Lists, Hash Algorithms
  • 5.3.6 Sorting
  • 5.4 Structured Program Design and Software Engineering
  • 5.4.1 Program Design and Software Engineering
  • 5.4.2 Procedural Programming Languages
  • 5.5 Programming Assignments
  • 5.5.1 Getting Programs to Run
  • 5.5.2 Operating Systems
  • 5.5.3 Program Development
  • 5.5.4 Testing Programs
  • 5.5.5 Modular development
  • 5.5.6 Library managment
  • 5.5.7 Profiling Programs
  • 5.5.8 Working with a team - Revision Control
  • 6 Labs
  • 6.1 Compiling
  • 6.2 Triangles
  • 6.3 Change
  • 6.4 BIG project
  • 6.5 Fibonacci Sequence
  • 6.6 Robots
  • 6.7 Decision Trees and Modulus Arithmetic
  • 6.8 Streams
  • 6.9 Floating Point Precision
  • 6.10 Bowling program
  • 6.11 Bowling program
  • 6.12 Constants and Limits
  • 6.13 Cross Country Trip Simulation #1
  • 6.14 Simulation #2
  • 6.15 Subroutines and Arguments
  • 6.16 Floating point numbers and string processing
  • 6.17 Sorting & Advanced Sorting
  • 6.18 Linked Lists Hashing Algorithms
  • 7 Class notes
  • References

  • Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu** Red's Home page** The Pima College Site