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5.4 Structured Program Design and Software Engineering

5.4.1 Program Design and Software Engineering

5.4.2 Procedural Programming Languages

There are many different programming languages available on computers today. Most languages have specific areas of application that they are best suited for. Most current languages have specific areas of successful application. It would be impossible to list all computer languages, anyone can create their own. Nicklaus Wirth created Pascal as an instructional programming language. (See: Nance & Naps pages 14 & See: Nance & Naps Appendix 6 page A.22) For a web resource look at:
Following is a list of some other languages and their application. You may also want to look at Stan Sieler's How to Code: Pascal . You can find a more complete list at

Some languages are interpreted. Other languages are compiled. Compiled languages "normally" execute faster than interpreted languages.

Structured and unstructured languages.

The GOTO statement has, at times, been poorly used. It can lead to code that is hard to understand and harder to mantain. There are some very good places to use it. For example, breaking out of a nested loop structure to a specific point in the nesting. The "perl" programming language has an interesting solution to this problem. When you use a break or continue statement it specifies which loop you are breaking or continuing. See: Nance & Naps Appendix 7 page A34.

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