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5.3 Hardware Review

Hardware is what computer science is built on. We need the physical computer to get it to work. There have been theoretical machines, but they are not of much use. See: Nance & Naps Chapter 1 page 7.

5.3.1 Processor

The processor is the director of the "show". (Many systems today have more than one director, but that is a different story.) The processor will perform the fetch-execute cycle for each instruction. (Though instructions may be pipelined or overlapped and executed simultaneously.) It is often best to think of the processor getting one instruction from memory, as pointed to by the instruction pointer, updating the instruction pointer to point to the next instruction, and then executing that instruction. With todays computers this is not very realistic, but most of the time you can pretend that it works this way.

The instruction (See: 5.1.11) is a binary encoded structure that tells the processor what to do. Most instructions on most computers are very limited. It will be limited to simple things like addition, subtraction, logical instructions like AND and OR, decisions like is a number zero or not. You could do each of the instructions by hand if you understand the underlying archetecture of the computer.

5.3.2 Constants and Limits

Compiler character representation of internal values.

5.3.3 Program constructs

5.3.4 Program Structure

5.3.5 Searching, Linked Lists, Hash Algorithms

5.3.6 Sorting

Some systems spend most of there time sorting. This is a critical area of Computer Science, an area that a great deal of research has been devoted to.
Instructor:** Red's Home page** The Pima College Site

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