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6.4 BIG project

Put together a plan, not a program for a "BIG" project. Work in groups of two or three. Choose an area and a "project" that you are unfamiliar with. Some possible ideas: Take an overview of the project. Put together a list of the major aspects of the project. Include "everything" you can think of. Break each of these areas in to smaller areas. Plan on using the library quite a bit for this project. The Internet might also help. Detail each area with a paragraph. Choose two third level divisions and look at the details within theses areas. Take one of the resulting areas and again look at the details.
  1. A paragraph on the overall project. (Level 0)
  2. A list of the primary areas in project.
  3. A paragraph about two major area. (Level 1)
  4. A sub-list for two of the primary divisions.
  5. A Paragraph for two of the items on one of the above lists. (Level 2)
  6. A list for one of the above item.
  7. A Paragraph for two of the items listed below level 2. (Level 3)
  8. A list of subdivisions for the two paragraphs at level 3.
Also include a list of your references. Mark your report with: Place the lab in the instructor hand in box in BUS R6E, the "terminal room".
Instructor:** Red's Home page** The Pima College Site

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