Louis Taber
CGI programming in PERL

©Louis Taber

Monday January 17, 2000

This document is the syllabus, lab assignments, attendance and grading policy, and most handouts used in Louis Taber's CSC266 class.

The hypertext version of this document contains many hyper links to other references.

I would like to thank the Computer Science Department at Pima Community College, West Campus, and many unnamed students for their help and assistance in getting the materials ready for my classes and helping my classes run smoothly.

This document is written in a version of LaTeX called HyperLaTeX written by Otfried Cheong. HyperLaTeX uses Leslie Lamport's LaTeX, a document preparation system, Donald E. Knuth's TeX, typesetting program, and the FSF emacs text editor.

A postscript version of this document is available by ftp at:
ftp://phred.dcccd.edu/pub/ltaber/cgi.ps. It may be older than the hypertext version.

This document is available under the FSF public use license. Please contact the author if you are interested.

Class system - cgi.cscwc.pima.edu
Class calendar
PCC Course Bank Data
Links to sections.

  • 1 CSC266 Class information
  • 2 Syllabus
  • 2.1 Description
  • 2.2 Text Book
  • 2.3 Class content
  • 2.4 Internet Resources
  • 2.5 Lab Resources
  • 3 Attendance and Grading Policy
  • 3.1 Course grade
  • 3.2 Individual Readiness Tests, Lab work, & Homework
  • 3.3 Group Readiness Tests
  • 3.4 Completion of Group Activities
  • 3.5 Helpfulness evaluation
  • 3.6 Attendance
  • 3.7 Relative weights
  • 3.8 Final Grade Determination
  • 3.9 Group membership
  • 3.10 Software License and Copyright Statement
  • 3.11 Scholastic Ethics
  • 3.12 Americans with Disabilites Act
  • 4 Major Topics
  • 4.1 CGI Introduction Topic
  • 4.1.1 Preparation
  • 4.1.2 Individual Lab Assignment
  • 4.1.3 Report
  • 4.2 Individual CGI Introduction to Perl Topic
  • 4.2.1 Preparation
  • 4.2.2 Individual Task
  • 4.2.3 Report
  • 4.3 Individual Server Side Include Topic
  • 4.3.1 Preparation
  • 4.3.2 Individual Lab Assignment
  • 4.3.3 Report
  • 4.4 CGI Introduction to Perl Topic #2
  • 4.4.1 Preparation
  • 4.4.2 Group Task
  • 4.4.3 Report
  • 4.5 Form Processing
  • 4.5.1 Preparation
  • 4.5.2 Individual Task
  • 4.5.3 Report
  • 4.6 Cookies
  • 4.6.1 Preparation
  • 4.6.2 Group Task
  • 4.6.3 Report
  • 4.7 Select HTML file
  • 4.8 Mail order - extra credit
  • 4.8.1 Group task
  • 4.8.2 Report
  • 4.9 Site Search - extra credit
  • 4.9.1 Group Task
  • 4.9.2 Report
  • References

  • Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu** My new Home on phRed** The Pima College Site** The Mad Dr. G.'s home page on phred.