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3.5 Helpfulness evaluation

Throughout the semester you will be required to evaluate the "helpfulness" of other members of your group and class. The other members of the class will evaluate you. This is intended to measure You will not be able to evaluate everyone in your group the same.

You will "get" about 10 points per week. These will need to be "assigned" to other other member of the class. It is assumed that most of the points will be awarded to members of your current group. You will award "helpfulness" points to other class members. The minimum difference between the highest and lowest evaluation, for members of your current group will need to be at least 20 points at the end of the semester. The maximum score you may assign to any one individual will be one third of your points. If you have any un-assigned points at the end of the semester they will be deducted from your score.

Your peer evaluation score will be determined by dividing the total of

divided by the total points you were to assign. It is possible to get a peer evaluation score from minus 1 to the number of students (minus one) in the class divided by 3.

This peer evaluation will carry a weight of between 10% and 25%.

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