Go backward to 3.6 Attendance
Go up to 3 Attendance and Grading Policy
Go forward to 3.8 Final Grade Determination
3.7 Relative weights
During the first class period, the class will break into temporary
groups to discuss the relative weights that will be used for the final
class grade. Each of these groups will appoint a representative to
determine the grading percentages for the class. These representatives
must reach a consensus (all must agree) on the final grade weights.
The relative percentages for CSC266 Spring 2000.
The posible range is shown below:
Individual Work & Tests 15.0%
Group Readiness Tests 27.5%
Group Lab Activities 30.0%
Helpfulness evaluation 10.0%
Attendance 17.5%
The relative percentages for CSC225 Spring 2000.
Individual Work & Tests 20%
Group Readiness Tests 25%
Group Lab Activities 30%
Helpfulness evaluation 10%
Attendance 15%
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