6.7 Linked Lists and Structures6 Assignments6.5 Cross Country Trip Simulation #16.6 Returning multiple values

6.6 Returning multiple values

Subroutines and functions often need to return more than one value, even simple ones. For example, a return value and error conditions. "C" uses pass by value for its function calls. This means that to get more than one value returned you need to pass the address of where you want the return value if you have more then one.

In this lab I want you to go quite a bit further than you did in lab 6.3: Numbers/Character Processing. I want you to write a program that returns (as its return value) the next number received as characters into its standard input.

The signed numbers can be in several formats:
Binary 0b1010101 Must start with a 0b and only 0 & 1
Octal 01234567 Must start with a zero and only 0-7
Decimal 123456789 Must start with 1-9
Hexadecimal 0xhhhhhhh h is one of 0-9 & A-F (Uppercase)
If there is a "-" directly prior to the number it is a negative number.

0bA and 0xG can be considered a zero binary and zero hexadecimal number respectively.

Numbers are terminated by any character that is not part of their set of characters. For example, an octal number is terminated by a 8 or a 9 and a binary number would be terminated by a 2. This terminating character should be "put back" with a call to ungetchar() so it can be used in the next number. For example, 0123456789 will first return a octal number of 12345678 and then a decimal value of 8910.

A hexadecimal number can be terminated by any lower case letter.

Spaces, new lines, tabs, G-Z, and a-z terminate all numbers. Any special character or non-printing character also terminate all numbers.

The function prototype should look something like this:

int getnumber(int *error, int *radix, int *characters_read);

error should return the following values:
0 Found a valid number
-1 Numeric overflow
-2 End of file

If an overflow occurs, the return value needs to be set to zero.

radix should return the following values:
0 No number found
2 Binary number
8 Octal number
10 Decimal number
16 Hexadecimal number

characters_read need to have the total number of character read from the input minus any put back.

At the start of your program print out:

Write a program that process an input data doing the following:

Given the following example input.

abcde 0b0101 -012 123 0x05A -123
This output should be in (about) the following format:

Your name
CIS265  Louis Taber
Lab: 6.6: Multiple return values

Binary                      5
Octal                     -10
Decimal                   123
Hexadecimal                90
Decimal                  -123

EOF reached  ****************
Binary total                5
Octal total               -10
Decimal total               0
Hexadecimal total          90
Grand total                85
Number of overflows         0
Total characters read      35
Test your program with the following sample data set.
This is the test data for the multiple returns lab.
If you have sixteen bit integers, create your own file.

0b11111 037 31 0x1F  Four thirty ones
-0b11111 -037 -31 -0x1F  Four negative thirty ones
0b11111111111111111111111111111111  Binary overflow
077777777777 Octal overflow
2147483648 Decimal overflow
0x80000000 Hexadecimal overflow
2147483647 Decimal max
-2147483648 Decimal min  (sum now minus one)

Run together numbers.
0b12 (Binary one, decimal two)
078  (Octal seven, decimal eight)
0xA0b10 (Hexadecimal One Hundred sixty, decimal ten)
This is the last line

It is available by anonymous ftp at

Turn in a copy of your program and its output when used with the above test data marked with:

Please turn your lab in to Pima Community College employee in Santa Rita Building room A-115. Ask them to place it into the burgundy colored "CIS265 -- C Programming" folder in Louis Taber's mailbox.
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

6.7 Linked Lists and Structures6 Assignments6.5 Cross Country Trip Simulation #16.6 Returning multiple values