![]() | ![]() | ![]() | 6.3 Character processing |
In this lab I want you to do a bit of text processing yourself. (Not quite a compiler for sure.) You can use your standard input, or if you wish to read ahead in your book and process the input from a file. Both approaches are fine. Extra credit will be given if you take the "UNIX" approach of looking on the command line for a file name, and if it exists use it, otherwise use the standard input (keyboard or redirected input).
At the start of your program print out:
Write a program that process an input stream doing the following:
#include <stdio.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 main() { int c; int comment = FALSE; while( (c=getchar()) != EOF ) { if( c == ';' ) { comment = TRUE; } if( c == '\n' ) { comment = FALSE; } if( comment == TRUE ) continue; putchar(c); } }
Given the following example input.
This has a comment; And the comment is discarded. 101010010010 A hidden binary number 9991999; Of 1 1010109AAAA10; The last binary number is decimal 2This output should be in the following format:
No Binary Number 15 Letters 0 Digits 1 19 Letters 7 Digits 2 4 Letters 9 Digits 3 Lines -------------------------------------------- 3 38 Letters 16 DigitsTest your program with the following sample data set.
; This is the test date for the lab "Stream" ; Louis Taber 3/29/98 ; CSC130 Pima Community College ; Blank Line ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ; Uppercase letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ; Lower case letters 1234567890 ; Digits - binary number: 0 11111111 ; Binary number 255 1000000000000000 ; This may give you ; a negative number (OK) ; Do you know why? 10101010a10101010b111 ; Last binary number: 7 []|--+=*#@ ; Some special symbols The last Line
It is available by anonymous ftp at
Turn in a copy of your program and its output when used with the above test data marked with:
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | 6.3 Character processing |