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4.5 Apache Topic
Download the Apache Hyper Text Transport Protocol Daemon then
compile and configure it.
Apache runs on over half of all web sites. Linux and Apache are
rumored to produce more than half of all web pages delivered.
(My guess is UNIX/Linux/Free-BSD account for more than 95% of all
web pages delivered.)
- Read an introduction to Apache.
- Locate the "tar-ball" for Apache > 1.3.9.
- Read "Compiling and Installing Apache 1.3".
- Make sure your system has Perl and GCC installed and working.
- Read "Apache suEXEC Support".
- Look over the Apache
web site.
- Retrieve the Apache package.
- Set up Apache on your system with suEXEC.
- Create an
file to deliver.
- Create a
program to run that shows the uid
and gid
of the running task.
- Access and print the above pages from a browser.
- Print the above pages.
Turn in your group's report (only one copy please) as follows:
- Louis Taber CSC225 Topic: 4.5: Apache
- The two printouts
- Suggestions on topic.
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu** Red's Home page** The Pima College Site