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4.4 Network File System Topic

The purpose of this section is to configure and use NFS on your systems. NFS is one way of sharing files between Unix/Linux systems. It uses the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) for dealing with the remote file systems.

4.4.1 Preparation

  1. Make sure that your kernels support NFS.
  2. Read chapter 14 pages 467 - 471 of Running Linux by Welsh, Dalheimer, & Kaufman..
  3. Review NFS related manual pages:
  4. Look at other systems for sharing files under UNIX.

4.4.2 Group Task

  1. Set up at least three systems.
  2. Set up all user numbers the same on all of your systems.
  3. Export each users files to each of the other systems read-write.
  4. Set up /etc/fstab so that users can mount their own file systems
  5. Set up /etc/exports so the file will only be exported to the other systems in your group.
  6. Export your CDROM drive (read only) to the other systems so that individual users can mount them.
  7. Set up NIS if you have time.

4.4.3 Report

Mark your written report with the following: In your report include:
Instructor:** Red's Home page** The Pima College Site

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