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About your UNIX system

Find out about the UNIX system(s) that you plan to use. Read chapters 1 and 2 in the text: Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment. Page xvi directs you to an anonymous ftp site to get all of the source code in the text book. Its URL is ftp://ftp.uu.net/published/books/stevens.advprog.tar.Z The library will need to be linked. Some sections of the library may need to be removed. Try to remove a little as possible.
  1. Check for few of the files in table 2.1 to see which implementation your system(s) conform to.
  2. Get the source code for the examples in the book.
  3. Compile and run programs 2.1 on the system(s). This may take more or less work depending on your system(s).
Turn in a copy of the results.

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