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Setup UNIX account

Set up your account on a UNIX system. Spend the time to have the account work for you. Often making a few changes can make an account more usable. On UNIX systems there are a number of files that affect the way your account behaves. The files that affect your account that you can change will usually have a period as the first character of the file name.
  1. Login to your account and set it up.

    On grayyour username is: first initial, middle initial, last name -- maximum 8 characters total, all lower case and your password is: student services number

    You are welcome to use any UNIX system that you have access to.

    To access gray using a modem and a terminal (emulator) use 884-6060 and 884-6135to connect to a terminal server. Get the terminal servers attention
    When you get the terminal server connect to gray.
    EMMA>c gray or Local>c gray
    You should see the "login:" message.

    To access gray using Internet

    telnet gray.cscwc.pima.edu 
    You should see the "login:" message.

    When done print out your "special" files and turn them in.

  2. Change your password. Choose an 8 character password with digits, upper case, and lower case characters. Use the passwd command.
    gray >  passwd
      Printout your line of the password file. Skip this part if you are not using gray.
    gray >  grep your-username /etc/passwd | lpr
  3. Log off. This is important. System gray has a 16 user license. If you fail to log off someone else may not be able to use the system.
    gray >  ^D     or      gray >  exit
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Louis Taber CSC294 - UNIX Programming
Setup UNIX account

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