5.10 Shell script - swapdir5 Labs5.8 grep and regular expressions5.9 "C" A Programming Language

5.9 "C" A Programming Language


Most of the UNIX operating system is written in the "C" programming language. Most of the tools (and games) that run on the system are also written in "C". Many other utilities have a flavor of "C", such as the "C" shell csh, awk, and perl. The interface to the operating system is easily accessed with the "C" language. The operating system calls look like "C" function calls. The system calls are documented in section 2 of the manual pages. Library calls are documented in section 3 of the manual pages.

This lab will also be used to look at the effects of umask on protection bits when a file is created.

Turn in a copy of this output marked with:

your name 
Lab 5.9: C Programming
Include your written explanation of what 
happened when you set umask to 0777 and
what was needed to get your account to function again.

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in California
The Pima Community College web site

5.10 Shell script - swapdir5 Labs5.8 grep and regular expressions5.9 "C" A Programming Language