6.2 SI Powers of Ten6 Tables6.1 Powers of Two

6.1 Powers of Two

Powers of Two
n 2n Note
-2 .25 One quarter
-1 .5 One half
0 1
1 2 One bit
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
6 64
7 128
8 256 8 bits
9 512
10 1024 About 103 = 1000
11 2048
12 4096
13 8192
14 16384
15 32768
16 65536 16 bits
20 1048576 "Megabyte"
30 1073741824 "Gigabyte"
32 4294967296 IPV4 address
40 1099511627776 "Terabyte"
48 281474976710656 Ethernet MAC
64 18446744073709551616
128 340282366920938463463374607431768211456 IPV6 address

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

6.2 SI Powers of Ten6 Tables6.1 Powers of Two