2.5 On-line resources2 Syllabus2.3 Course Outline2.4 Textbooks

2.4 Textbooks

Please note: The required books/materials are available on-line for free. You are welcome to use the on-line material instead of printed copies. You can use these on-line resources during online quizzes as well.

Table of contents from Netw

orking Basics: CCNA 1 Companion Guide


Chapter Title Page
Contents at a Glance ix
Contents x
Introduction xii
1 Introduction to Networking 1
2 Networking Fundamentals 69
3 Networking Media 123
4 Cabling Testing 165
5 Cabling LANs and WANs 187
6 Ethernet Fundamentals 235
7 Ethernet Technologies 267
8 Ethernet Switching 295
9 TCP/IP Protocol Suite and IP Addressing 337
10 Routing Fundamentals and Subnets 391
11 TCP/IP Transport and Application Layers 453
Appendix A Answers to Check Your Understanding 485
Appendix B Decimal and Binary Conversion Table 511
Appendix C Extra Practice 517
Glossary Glossary 531
Index Index 567

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

2.5 On-line resources2 Syllabus2.3 Course Outline2.4 Textbooks