2.4 Textbooks2 Syllabus2.2 Performance Objectives2.3 Course Outline

2.3 Course Outline

  1. Networking Concepts
    1. Terminology
    2. Advantages of networking
    3. Network standards
  2. OSI Model
    1. Seven layers
    2. Essentials to communicate on a network
    3. Internetworking problems and solutions
    4. Bridges as solutions
    5. Advantages of routing
  3. Binary Numbering System
    1. Binary math and logic
    2. IP addresses and routing tables
    3. Subnet mask
  4. Network Architecture
    1. MAC addressing
    2. IP addressing schemes
    3. Class of networks
    4. Subnetworks
    5. Routers
    6. Protocols
      1. Address resolution
      2. Reverse address resolution
      3. Proprietary routing
    7. Hardware for a LAN
    8. Media selection
      1. Importance and use
      2. Problems and solutions
      3. Standards (IEEE, EIA/TIA, UL)
      4. Telecommunications outlets
    9. Cabling
      1. Safety precautions
      2. Standards (IEEE, EIA/TIA, UL)
      3. Wiring
      4. Testing
  5. LAN Design and Installation
    1. Feasibility study
    2. Design of a LAN
    3. Topologies
    4. Wiring closets
    5. Data transmission
    6. Cable termination
    7. Cable installation
  6. Cisco Troubleshooting Procedures
    1. Initial and subsequent testing
      1. Effects of EMI/RFI
      2. Causes of cross talk
    2. Safe wiring systems
    3. Solution strategies

% % Copyright Louis Taber, PCC August 2006

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

2.4 Textbooks2 Syllabus2.2 Performance Objectives2.3 Course Outline