3.3 Image maps and background options3 Assignments3.1 Basic HTML LAB3.2 HTML Links

3.2 HTML Links

In this lab you will create an HTML document with as many link types as I can come up with. And as many types of URLs as makes any sense. Please use the best link type that you can. To me that means that you want as little information in the link as possible. Always use a relative link over an absolute one. If you do need to move to another server, this will minimize the changes needed.

Create HTML documents with at least the following types of links.

  1. A link to another location on the same page
  2. A link to another page on the same server
  3. A relative link to a subdirectory
  4. A link to a default page in a directory.
  5. A relative link to a parent directory.
  6. A link to another users page
  7. A link to page with the port number specified. gort responds to ports 8080 and 80. Port 80 is blocked by the college firewall. The Pima Community College Banner system also uses a "non-standard" port.
  8. a "mailto" link to your self.
  9. An ftp link.
  10. A link to another user on a different system.
  11. A gopher link - if you can find a gopher page.
  12. A telnet link. Try sabio.arizona.edu
  13. A link to an anchor within an external page.
  14. Two different links that open just one window.
  15. A third link that opens a window of its own. See if you can fix the size of this window.
  16. A link from a heading.
  17. a link from an image.
  18. Two links from the word "go". One from "g" and one from "o".
Make sure that your page describes what each link is. Include in your displayed page the link's HTML. This will require the use of special HTML coding for some characters. At least the < and the > characters will cause "problems. Please test all of your links on at at least two browsers. Please turn in a printout of your displayed pages from two different web browsers and all of your HTML source.
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

3.3 Image maps and background options3 Assignments3.1 Basic HTML LAB3.2 HTML Links