3.2 HTML Links3 Assignments3.1 Basic HTML LAB

3.1 Basic HTML LAB

In this lab I want you to place a test HTML page up on an Internet server. It doesn't need any real content, just a good smattering of various HTML tags. I also want it up on the Internet. Not jut on your local system. Our department has a Linux system available for your use. It's name is "gort". You are welcome to use another server if it is a available to you. Here is a list of the tags I want you to use in this lab. For the visible tags, please include text in the document so that the person looking at your page knows what tag is being utilized. Please turn in a printout of your displayed page from two different web browsers and your HTML source.
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

3.2 HTML Links3 Assignments3.1 Basic HTML LAB