4 Labs4.17 Perl4.18 System Administration

4.18 System Administration

The term "system administration" covers a lot of areas. If you are a good Unix systems administrator, you have many different tasks to deal with and you have the root password. On gort, students don't know the root password, so what can be done is limited. (At least they aren't suppose to know the root password!)

If you have a system available with the root password do the following:

  1. Back up the system (dump, rdump, or tar).
  2. Add a new user.
  3. Create a list of all executable set user id and set group id files owned by root with file lengths and modification times.
  4. Restore a file from your backup.
If you are using gort for the system administration lab I would like you to produce a single annotated printout. So as you go through the following steps save your output into a file that you can edit later. One way of doing this is script command. It will produce a file called typescript. Turn in the printout and mark it with:
Lab 4.18: System Administration 
and the results of the file compression.
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

4 Labs4.17 Perl4.18 System Administration