4.14 bc - Extended Precision Calculator4 Labs4.12 Internet4.13 Text processing - HTML

4.13 Text processing - HTML

HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language), through the WEB, has become in the last few years, the primary way of distributing information on UNIX-based systems. A March 1997 survey indicated that about 70% of the servers in the WWW (World Wide Web) are running on UNIX systems.

For this lab, I would like you to:

  1. Create a subdirectory in your area called public_html.
  2. Make sure the directory permission bits allow both world read and execute on the directory.
  3. Create the file index.html. This file needs to have HTML in it. The HTML needs to have at least the following features:
  4. Make sure the permission bits for index.html are at least world read.
  5. Access your page from a web browser and print it off on a printer. The URL to access your page will be:
Turn in the source html and your printed results marked with:
Lab 4.13: HTML lab 

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

4.14 bc - Extended Precision Calculator4 Labs4.12 Internet4.13 Text processing - HTML