4.12 Internet4 Labs4.10 4.11 Menu shell script

4.11 Menu shell script

Make a printout of your menu program's output. To do this use the script command.
username@gort ~ $ script
Script started, file is typescript
username@gort ~ $ menuscript
username@gort ~ $ exit
Script done, file is typescript
username@gort ~ $ lpr typescript
script makes a copy of the standard input to a the file typescript so that it can be printed or saved.

Mark the print out your run results and a copy of your shell script with:

your name  
Lab 4.11: Menu Program 

Remember to answer the question about if you could run your shell script within your shell script. Please turn your lab in to Pima Community College employee in room A-115 ofthe Santa Rita Building. Ask them to place it in the lab folder in Louis Taber's mailbox.

Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site

4.12 Internet4 Labs4.10 4.11 Menu shell script