4.11 Editor  -  vi4 Labs4.9 Shell Script #24.10 Internet

4.10 Internet

The Internet is now connected to most computer systems. It is a useful too for locating information and transferring files. Most usage of the Internet today involves the World Wide Web (WWW). There are a LOT of other services. This lab can be done entirely through a web interface.
  1. Library access.

    At http://sabio.arizona.edu/ Write down the call number of the book: Living Within Limits?

  2. Current information - earthquakes.

    At the USGS site locate a current earthquake greater than 5 on the Richter scale. Look at
    http://wwwneic.cr.usgs.gov/neis/bulletin/bulletin.html. Write down only the last "large" ( >5 ) earthquake's time, latitude, longitude and location.

  3. Current information - weather.

    Look up the current weather for Tucson at Davis Monithin AFB and write down the date, the high temperature, the low temperature and the amount of precipitation.

  4. Current information - computers.

    Locate an interesting (short) page about computers and print it out.

Turn in your paper with:
Lab 4.10: Internet
the call number of Living within Limits, 
the earthquake information,
the weather information, and
computer page printout.
Place the lab in the instructor hand-in box in BUS R6E, the "terminal room".
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site ** The Mad Dr. G.'s home page on phred.

4.11 Editor  -  vi4 Labs4.9 Shell Script #24.10 Internet