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4.11 VAX command procedure #2

In this lab you will write your own command procedure. To do this you will want to refer to Lab 4.4: "Fortran program" and Lab 4.10: "VAX Command Procedure #1". In the Fortran Program lab you compiled and ran a FORTRAN program. In the VAX Command Procedures #1 lab you were introduced to VAX command procedures. Both of these labs relate to the task in this lab. Please call your procedure FOR.COM.
  1. Using FORTRAN lab as a guide create a command procedure to do the following.
    1. Compile CIRCLE.FOR (but with no listing).
    2. Link it.
    3. Execute it.
    4. Delete CIRCLE.OBJ and CIRCLE.EXE
  2. Check and execute the procedure interactively (@ command).
  3. Execute it as a batch job (SUBMIT command) and check the log file to be sure it executed properly.
  4. Print the .LOG file created in the step . previous step. This may happen without your assistance.
Turn in the .LOG file marked with:
Lab 4.11: VAX Command script #2 FOR.COM

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