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4.3 Run an assembly program

Use ftp to get two files from The files ate sample.S and sbr.S.

In the file sample.S there are instructions on how to assemble the code using the FSF gcc compiler.

Follow the instructions.

/* Louis Taber   11/1/97  PCC                         */
/*                                                    */
/*  Sample program for assembly language              */
/*  subroutines on Linux.  These are compiled         */
/*  and linked as follows:                            */
/*                                                    */
/*  If compiled/assembled together.                   */
/*       gcc -nostdlib -o sample sbr.S sample.S       */
/*                                                    */
/*  If comples as seperate modules.                   */
/*       gcc -nostdlib -o sample sbr.o sample.S       */
/*                                                    */
/*  To assemble the library to object                 */
/*       gcc -c sbr.S                                 */
/*  this will create the object file for the library  */

#define FILE_STDIN    $0     /* file handle for stdin      */
#define FILE_STDOUT   $1     /* file handle for stdout     */
#define FILE_ERROR    $1     /* file handle for stderror   */

#define LINUX_SYS     $0x80  /* interrupt for system calls */

                             /* Values for system calls    */
                             /* defined in unistd.h        */
#define LINUX_EXIT   $1
#define LINUX_READ   $3
#define LINUX_WRITE  $4
        .file           "sample.S"
        .version        "01.01"
head:   .string         "Sample gcc/linux assembly"
                        " language program\n\n"
        .string         "Please input a hexadecimal number: "
eop:    .string         "\nThe program is done.\n"
hex:    .string         "       Hexadecimal: "
dec:    .string         "       Decimal:  "
        .align 16
        .globl          _start
        .type           _start,@function

_start:  xorl            %ebp,%ebp        /* clear bp */
        andl            $0xfffffff8,%esi  /* align stack to */
                                          /* 8 byte boundry */
        movl    $head,%esi
        call    pstring

        movl    $request,%esi      /* print out program heading */
        call    pstring
        call    getline            /* get input string */
        call    char2num           /* convert to number */

        movl    $dec,%esi
        call    pstring
        call    pnumd              /* print in decimal */
        call    new_line           /* keep output neat */

        movl    $hex,%esi
        call    pstring
        call    pnumnl             /* print in hex */
        call    new_line           /* keep output neat */

        movl    $12,%ecx           /* load loop counter */
        movl    $1,%eax            /* starting point */
        movl    $2,%ebx            /* for multiply */
loopa:  call    pnumd              /* print decimal number */
        movb    $' ',%dl           /* get a space */
        call    putchar            /* print the space */
        call    pnumnl             /* print number in hex */
        mull    %ebx               /* factorial series */
        inc     %ebx	
        loopl   loopa

        movl    $eop,%esi
        call    pstring

        movl    LINUX_EXIT,%eax    /* exit code */
        int     LINUX_SYS          /* call OS */
        hlt                        /* exit should not return */

        .align	16

        .comm	d,1,1
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU)"

The subroutines can be found at:

Run the program, it puts out a factorial series.

Redirect the programs output through the tee command so that you can print it.
sample | tee temp
lpr temp
Label it with
Lab 4.3: assembly
Place the lab in the instructor hand-in box in BUS R6E, the "terminal room".
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