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4.3 Linux Administration Topic

The purpose of this section is to (start to) administer a Linux operating system.

4.3.1 Preparation

  1. Read about the tar command.
  2. Know how to use ftp.
  3. Make sure that you can run the gcc compiler and make on your system.
  4. Choose two source packages to install.
  5. Download the packages and read the install instructions. May I suggest bind and cfs.

4.3.2 Group Task

  1. Maintain a "notebook" of your progress. This can be a computer file. This need to include where you got the source.
  2. Look at /etc/skel and set it up to include "useful" stuff.
  3. Set up the default path, for the shells bash, sh, csh, and tcsh to be (~/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin /sbin /usr/bin/X11 . ). You may want to include other directories on your path.
  4. Install the packages.
  5. Edit or create the initialization files so that the packages you install are run automatically when the system is brought up.
  6. Backup your progress. Create a .tar file that contains all of the files necessary for the package to run.
  7. Move the .tar file to a different system.
  8. Re-install the packages on the other distribution. Making whatever changes are necessary.
  9. Add a new user to one of your systems. Create some files for the user. Move the user to your other system, password, files, and all.

4.3.3 Report

Turn in your group's report (only one copy please) as follows:

Instructor:** My new Home on phRed** The Pima College Site** The Mad Dr. G.'s home page on phred.

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