4.14 Text processing - HTML4 Labs4.12 Menu shell script4.13 Internet

4.13 Internet

In this lab we will use gort a IBM/PC compatible Pentium II PC with 384Mbytes of RAM and 27 Gbyte of hard disk to access the Internet. Pima Community College's access to the Internet is through a T1 (1.54 M Bit/sec) connection to the University of Arizona.

When possible, multiple Internet access addresses have been listed below for each service. You only need to use one address. All services are not available at all times. If you cannot access a service try an alternate address or try at a later time. If you are planning to transfer large amounts of data and/or information, do it during off-hours for the service provider.

  1. lynx is a text-based WWW (world wide web) browser program. We have a client installed on gort. This program goes out and accesses the multi-system, multi-country WWW data base. Start the program by issuing the command:
    Down-load a small text file and print it out. ("H" for help, "d" for down-load.)
  2. telnet is the "MODEM" program to access the internet world. Try the command:
    telnet sabio.arizona.edu
    to access the UofA library system. Use terminal type "vt100" and respond with a "V"

    What is the call number of the book: Living Within Limits?

    Optional. telnet to pima.edu,

    telnet pima.edu
    and log on as user pimainfo, schedule, and/or telnet to the PCC library with
    telnet library.pima.edu
    There are many other sites that can be used with telnet.
  3. Try out the finger command. This sends a short message to a system on the network to see if a user is logged on, and how active. If no user name is given it may show you who is currently on the system. Some systems disable the finger command. It is considered a security problem by some system administrators.

    Try the following:

    finger ltaber@pima.edu 
    finger quake@gldfs.cr.usgs.gov
    Write down the last "large" ( >5 ) earthquake's time, latitude, longitude and location.
  4. File Transfer Protocol, (ftp) is used to transfer files from one system to another. There are many >10,000 sites that you can ftp to as an anonymous user. There are sites that keep lists of sites! I would like you to ftp a text file and print it.

    These sites and files are suggestions. Any ASCII text file of reasonable length will do. (In other words -- keep the file short! -- about one page)

    If you are using a VAX/VMS system, once you are connected to the system you need to use the "l" command or the "user" command to gain access to the remote system.

    When prompted for a username use "anonymous".

    ftp sunsite.unc.edu 
    ftp oak.oakland.edu 
    ftp boombox.micro.umn.edu
    Login as anonymous. Then for your password enter your e-mail address. (username@gort.cscwc.pima.edu) Once you are in, many UNIX commands work: cd, ls -l, but not cat. You also have the command ascii, for use prior to getting ascii files, and the command binary for use prior to transferring binary files. You may also want to try the commands help, get, mget, prompt, and quit. Remember that this gets the files to gort, NOT to your home PC. gort has kermit installed to move the file from gort to your home system. There are several systems set up in the lab that can telnet. telnet to gort with "kermit" to transfer files. Print a copy of your file.
Label your output with:
Lab 4.13: Internet
the call number of Living within Limits 
the earthquake information
Place the lab in the instructor hand-in box in BUS R6E, the "terminal room".
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site ** The Mad Dr. G.'s home page on phred.

4.14 Text processing - HTML4 Labs4.12 Menu shell script4.13 Internet