4.11 Editor  -  vi4 Labs4.9 Shell Script #24.10 Internet

4.10 Internet

In this lab we will use a "Web-browser" to access the Internet. Pima Community College's access to the Internet is through a T1 (1.54 M Bit/sec) connection to the University of Arizona.

When possible, multiple Internet access addresses have been listed below for each service. You only need to use one address. All services are not available at all times. If you can not access a service try an alternate address or try at a later time. If you are planning to transfer large amounts of data and/or information do it during off hours for the service provider.

Keep intercontinental transfers to a minimum.

  1. lynx is a text based WWW (world wide web) browser program. Most people don't like using a character based web browser. You are welcome to use Netscape or Internet Explorer.

    Access a small file and print it out.

  2. Access a library system and get a call number.

    To access the UofA library system use the URL:


    or the Pima Community College library system at:


    and look up the call number of the book: Living Within Limits?

  3. Archie is a program to help locate files available by anonymous FTP on the Internet. Use a search engine to locate "archie" and "form". Use archie to search for "qvtnet".

    Write down the URL of the archie server and the location a file that has "qvtnet" in it.

    We also have a local archie client. Try archie on gort.

    archie filename
  4. Try the following URL:


    Write down the last "large" ( >5 ) earthquake's time, latitude, longitude and location.

  5. ftp. Or File Transfer Protocol. ftp is used to transfer files from one system to another. There are about(?) 10,000 sites that you can ftp to as an anonymous user. There are sites that keep lists of sites! I would like you to ftp a text file and print it. Possible files are:





    Print a copy of your file.

Label your printout with:
Lab 4.10: Internet
the call number of Living within Limits 
the earthquake information
results of your archie search
Place the lab in the instructor hand-in box in BUS R6E, the "terminal room".
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu ** My new Home at GeoApps in Tucson ** The Pima College Site ** The Mad Dr. G.'s home page on phred.

4.11 Editor  -  vi4 Labs4.9 Shell Script #24.10 Internet