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4.6 Editor 3 - emacs

TABER CSC137 Lab 4.6: emacs -- Print your name

Do the emacs tutorial on a system with emacs. gort has emacs installed. Type emacs and follow the instructions.
gort:~>  emacs
then ^H(for help) then t(for tutorial)

You may want to try the hyper-text manual pages for emacs.

gort:~>  emacs
then ESC, x, and info
You may want to copy ~ltaber/.emacs from my area so the cursor keys work if you use a VT200/VT300 terminal. This was dine for you when your account was setup on gort. You may want to ftp this file to another system.

Emacs needs the ^C character. The terminal emulator that we use on our AppleMAC systems can be set to block this. Please see the item about the Apple's NCSA telnet program.

gort:~> cp ~ltaber/.emacs .

  1. What are the last 5 words in the emacs tutorial?

  2. What does the command "gort:~> pico temp" do?

  3. What is the -k option for when used with the man command?

  4. How can you display just your entry in the /etc/passwd file? (grep)

  5. How many lines are in /etc/passwd? (use wc)

  6. What are my office hours on Wednesdays?

  7. What does the -F (upper case) option do for the ls command?

  8. How many options does the grep command have? (man)

  9. What is in the file /var/log/syslog? (cat, tail, head, more)

Write your answers on this page and turn it in.
Instructor:** Red's Home page** The Pima College Site

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