In this lab you will write your own command procedure. To do
this you will want to refer to
Lab 4.6: "Fortran program"
Lab 4.11: "VAX Command Procedure #1".
In the Fortran Program lab you compiled and ran a FORTRAN program.
In the VAX Command Procedures #1 lab you
were introduced to VAX command procedures.
Both of these labs relate to the task in this lab. Please call your
procedure FOR.COM.
Using FORTRAN lab as a guide create a command procedure to
do the following.
Compile CIRCLE.FOR (but with no listing).
Link it.
Execute it.
Check and execute the procedure interactively (@ command).
Execute it as a batch job (SUBMIT command) and check the log
file to be sure it executed properly.
Print the .LOG file created in the
step .
previous step.
This may happen without your assistance.