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4.2 Text editing

Text editing is a common task on computer systems, both big and small. Learning a test editor is usually the first task when you start using a new system. Most systems have many text editors. Try to locate the one that will best meet your needs and learn it well enough that the editor supports you in accomplishing your primary task.

Our system also has pico installed. It is available for many systems and is easy to use. The draw-back that pico has is that it has limited capabilities. For example there is no search-and-replace function.

  1. Log on to WEST.
  2. At DCL level ($) enter PICO to create a file.
    $ pico aboutme.txt
    Many systems have multiple editors installed. WEST also has EDIT/EDT and EDIT/TPU installed. For most labs you can use the editor of your choice.
  3. Type in the following information, each on a separate line
    Your full name, with upper and lower case letters 
    Your day and month of your birthday
    My favorite color is color 
    My least favorite color is color 
    Skip a line and then type in a paragraph.  
    A few lines about yourself.  Please use proper 
    grammar and punctuation.
  4. Make corrections using the cursor movement keys, the DELETE key, the keypad and the function keys.
  5. Leave the editor, saving the file.
      ctrl-X        (Exit)
      Y             (Save file)
      <return>      (Chose file name)
  6. Show the files in your directory with the directory command.
    $ dir
  7. Display the file just created on your terminal with the DCL TYPE command.
    $ type aboutme.txt
  8. Print a copy of the file
    $ print aboutme.txt
  9. Log off
On the print out from step in half hand print the following:
Lab 4.2: About me
Place the lab in the instructor hand-in box in BUS R6E, the "terminal room".
Instructor:** Red's Home page** The Pima College Site

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