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4.3 CGI Server Side Include Topic
Server side includes let you us a file that is mostly standard HTML but still
have some variability in your document. This is often more
convenient than writing a a CGI program to produce all of the document.
Please read the following:
- CGI Programming by Gundavaram
On the web at O'Reilly. Chapter 5.
Server Side Includes
page 87-100.
Create a HTML (/public_html/name.shtml)
page that uses several server side include directives.
- Printout, with some surrounding text, the IP name of the browser.
- A link to your first html file (4.1.2) that shows both
the size of the file in bytes (use
config sizefmt="bytes"
and when the the file was last modified.
- Create (or copy from the examples, see CGI Programming by Gundavaram
On the web at O'Reilly page 95) a
counter.pl program
that will count the number of time the page has been accessed. Use this
program someplace on your page.
- Print out the time on the local server in "European" format.
( yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm where the hh for hours is between 0 and 23.)
- Create a "boiler plate" for the end of your documents that includes:
- Your groups names in an <address> tag as a mailto: links.
- A link to your groups "home page".
- a link to system
Include this file at the end of your shtml file.
- Optional, something else that you might want to try. Please note that
the "exec cmd" does not appear to be enabled on "cgi".
Please test your page with a web browser.
e-mail your group's report (only one copy please) as follows:
- To: ltaber@pima.edu
- Subject: CSC266 Topic: 4.3: Server Side Includes
- Attach:
- Your groups ssi file.
- Message text:
- URL of the groups program.
- Suggestions on topic.
Please hand-in a printout of your page.
Instructor: ltaber@pima.edu** Red's Home page** The Pima College Site