Appalachain Trail Summer 2011

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
All usage needs to include the following attribution: "Picture taken by Louis Taber".
All pictures with people are ©2012 by Louis Taber with all rights reserved.

North from Pinkham Notch NH16 (New Hapshire Map 1) to Maine ME17 south of Mooselookmeguntic Lake (Maine Map 7)
Appalachian Trail Appalachian Trail Carter Notch Hut and Wildcat Ridge at sunrise Appalachian Trail Fog in the Valley Appalachian Trail

Appalachian Trail, Maine, August 1, 2011  North from Pinkham Notch NH16 to Carter Notch Hut
Appalachian Trail, Maine, August 2, 2011  North from Carter Notch Hut to near Kenduskeag Trail intersection
Appalachian Trail, Maine, August 4, 2011  Approaching Maine. Almost the end of New Hampshire
Appalachian Trail, Maine, August 5, 2011  From New Hampshire crossing into Maine to the Speck Pond Campsite
Appalachian Trail, Maine, August 6, 2011  From Speck Pond Campsite to Grafton Notch, ME26
Appalachian Trail, Maine, August 8, 2011  Grafton Notch, ME26 to East B Hill Road
Appalachian Trail, Maine, August 9, 2011  East B Hill Road to past Old Blue Mountain
Appalachian Trail, Maine, August 10, 2011  Old Blue Mountain to Maine ME17 south of Mooselookmeguntic Lake

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