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Project Specification

Write up a project specification. This should be complete enough that I have a good idea of what you plan to do. I would expect 3 or more pages. You may want to include data structures, block diagrams, time-lines, test plans, estimates of module sizes, ...

Do not feel that your project can not be changed after getting the specification approved. Use your judgment, but for major changes please consult with me.

The projects can be done in groups. If you chose to do so, indicate who is going to be doing what part of the project. Also remember to scale the size of the project. You may want to read The Mythical Man-month: Essays on Software Engineering before you try a group project. I do give incompletes, but I don't like doing it!

When working on this remember that the project is about on third of the class grade. It should involve a substantial amount of time and effort. To be successful it should also follow your interests. I expect most projects will involve X-11 or TCP/IP. If your interests are else where and are related to programming under UNIX, follow your interests.

If at all possible, plan for a class demonstration of your final project.


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