1.3 Class Objectives1 Syllabus1.1 Catalog Description1.2 Textbooks

1.2 Textbooks

Table of contents from Hanly & Koffman:

Chapter Chapter Title Page
1 Overview of Computers and Programming 1
2 Overview of C 33
3 Top-Down Design with Functions 95
4 Selection Structures: if and switch Statements 145
5 Repetition and Loop Statements 209
6 Modular Programming 279
7 Simple Data Types 329
8 Arrays 367
9 Strings 433
10 Recursion 501
11 Structure and Union Types 551
12 Text and Binary File Processing 609
13 Programming in the Large 649
14 Dynamic Data Structures 693
15 Multiprocessing Using Processes and Threads 759
15 On to C++ 811
Appendix A Character Sets 839
Appendix B ANSI C Standard Libraries 841
Appendix C C Operators 859
Appendix D More About Pointers 865
Appendix E ANSI C Reserved Words 871
Answers 873
Glossary 901
Index 907

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
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1.3 Class Objectives1 Syllabus1.1 Catalog Description1.2 Textbooks