2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.8 Americans with Disabilities Act2.9 Spring Class CalendarContentsIndex

2.9 Spring Class Calendar

January 21, 2008 MLK Day
January 23, 2008 First Day of Classes
January 23, 2008 Introduction
Quiz 1 January 28, 2008 Dean Chapter 1
Quiz 2 February 4, 2008 Dean Chapter 2
Quiz 3 February 11, 2008 Dean Chapter 3
Quiz 4 February 18, 2008 Dean Chapter 4
Quiz 5 February 25, 2008 Dean Chapter 5
February 28, 2008 Rodeo Days
February 29, 2008 Rodeo Days
Open Lab March 3, 2008 Personal Day
Quiz 6 Wed, March 5, 2008 Dean Chapter 6
Quiz 7 March 10, 2008 Dean Chapter 7
March 17-21, 2008 Spring Break
Quiz 8 March 24, 2008 Dean Chapters 8 & 10
Quiz 9 March 31, 2008 Dean Chapter 9
Quiz 10 April 7, 2008 Dean Chapter 11
Quiz 11 April 14, 2008 Dean Chapter 12
Quiz 12 April 21, 2008 Dean Chapter 13
Quiz 13 April 28, 2008 Dean Chapter 14
Report Friday, May 2, 2008 Networking Report Due
Quiz 14 May 5, 2008 Dean Chapter 15
Quiz 15 May 12, 2008 Comprehensive

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.8 Americans with Disabilities Act2.9 Spring Class CalendarContentsIndex