ReferencesTop3 Contact and office hours  Spring 2008 4 Labs

4 Labs

4.1 Memory Diagnostics

  1. Download a current copy of Memtest86 from and install it on a floppy disk or a CD-R.
  2. Boot memtest86 and run at least two passes on two different systems. If there are any errors, write down the error information.
  3. Examine the two PC systems for other problems. Include the following areas:
    1. Mouse
    2. Keyboard
    3. Connectors
    4. Monitor
  4. Locate the identification numbers associated with the two systems.
  5. Put together a type written report of your findings that includes the following:
  6. Turn this report in to the instructor. Please turn in two copies if problems were found.

4.2 Install a Linux Operating System

  1. Get a Hard disk drive from the instructor.
  2. Get a Linux install CD from the instructor.
  3. Obtain the IP information for your system.
  4. Install and configure the Operating System.
  5. Configure a printer.
  6. Install Firefox for an Internet browser. Access and print a web page.
  7. Install Adobe Acrobat. Access and print a .pdf document.
  8. Please turn in your two printouts with your name written on them to Louis Taber.

4.3 Install Microsoft Windows Operating System

  1. Get a Hard disk drive from the instructor.
  2. Get a Windows install CD from the instructor.
  3. Get a Windows service pack CD from the instructor.
  4. Obtain the IP information for your system.
  5. Unplug the systems network connection.
  6. Install and configure the Operating System.
  7. Install the service pack
  8. Configure a printer.
  9. Re-connect the network connection.
  10. Install Mozzila or Firefox for an Internet browser.
  11. Install Adobe Acrobat.
  12. Access and print a web page from one of the above web browsers.
  13. Access and print a .pdf document.
  14. Please turn in your two printouts with your name written on them to Louis Taber.

4.4 Select and price a PC system

I would like to to configure and price a PC system. I would like you to use your own budget and your own system objectives. Decide what you might actually spend on a system and what you want to use it for. For todays' (cira: 2004) systems I would recommend for this lab that you keep your target budget between $350 and $2,500US.

I would like you to use the Internat to do price and product searches. Some sites that you might consider follow: Reviews and Benchmarks Product locator Product locator Product locator Product locator Product locator Computer assembler Computer assembler Computer assembler Computer assembler Computer assembler Computer assembler Processor manufacture Processor manufacture Motherboards Motherboards Memory Hard disk drives Controller manufacture Computer parts Computer parts Computer parts and systems Surplus computer parts/systems Surplus computer parts/systems Short term rebate deals

You may want to put your "report" in a spread sheet, so that it easy to update. Make sure that you include a current date on your report, just in case you ever look at it in the future.

Instructor: Louis Taber, at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

ReferencesTop3 Contact and office hours  Spring 2008 4 Labs