2 Syllabus2.2 Textbooks2.3 Class content

2.3 Class content

  1. History of the C language
  2. Syntax of the C language
    1. Constants and variables
    2. Operators and expressions
      1. Precedence
      2. Associativity
    3. Control Flow Operators
  3. Scope and Storage Classes in C
    1. Declarations
    2. Invocation
    3. Functions - parameter passing (by value and reference)
  4. Typing Aspects of C
    1. Built-in types
    2. Derived types
    3. Arrays (single and double-dimensional)
    4. Structs
    5. Singly Linked Lists
  5. Pointers
    1. Single and multiple reference levels
    2. Passing pointers as arguments
  6. Preprocessor
    1. Defines and macros
    2. Include files and header
  7. Input-Output
    1. Keyboard and terminal
    2. Disk I/O

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

2 Syllabus2.2 Textbooks2.3 Class content