1 Syllabus1.2 Textbooks1.3 Class content

1.3 Class content

1.3.1 Performance Objectives

  1. Describe the microcomputer system including elements on a motherboard and various expansion board.
  2. Upgrade a computer system including adding additional memory, disk drives, network cards, and other interface cards.
  3. Demonstrate good static damage prevention techniques.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to load an operating system.
  5. Add memory and communications boards.
  6. as well as swap boards.
  7. Select and configure a microcomputer system.
  8. Compare and contrast the value of a new system versus upgrading an existing system.

1.3.2 Course Outline -- Coursebank

  1. Systems Components
    1. Case and case styles
    2. Processors
    3. Chip-set
    4. Memory
    5. Non-volatile storage -- hard disks, CD-ROM, DVD, flash, floppy.
    6. Power supply
    7. Printers, monitors, and peripherals
    8. Networking
    9. System configuration - "CMOS settings".
    10. BIOS
    11. Determining a systems configuration
  2. Systems Upgrades
    1. Techniques for preventing static damage
    2. Processor selection & installation
    3. Memory selection & installation
    4. Floppy/hard drive selection & installation
    5. Optical drive selection & installation
    6. Network card selection & installation
    7. Other specialty board installation
    8. BIOS upgrades
    9. (Optional) Tape drives
  3. Printer selection, installation, and maintenance
    1. Printer types, capabilities.
    2. Printer capital and per page costs
    3. Printer interfaces -- parallel, serial, Ethernet, & USB.
    4. Network print servers
    5. Ribbon, toner, and ink cartridge replacement.
    6. Preventive maintenance.
  4. Disk drive selection
    1. Access time, transfer rate, cache, and capacity
    2. Reliability and RAID
    3. Drive interfaces
      1. IDE/ATA
      2. SATA (Serial ATA)
      3. Firewire and USB
      4. SCSI
      5. floppy
    4. Drive types
      1. Floppy
      2. Zip (Trademark), Super-Drive (Trademark)
      3. Hard disks
      4. Removable hard drives
      5. Optical disks CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD, DVD-R, Flash
  5. Additional I/O Devices
    1. Monitors & Projectors - CRT and LCD
    2. Network Interface Cards (NIC)
    3. Mice and Keyboards
    4. Serial ports
  6. Selecting and Configuring a System
    1. Brand name compatibles
    2. "Beige Box" compatibles - Local firm assembly
    3. DIY (Do-It-Yourself) compatibles
    4. The "buy versus build" decision.
      1. Warranty
      2. Support issues, single vs. multiple systems, cost
      3. Hardware costs
      4. Assembly time
      5. Microcomputer system life cycle
      6. Processor cooling issues
      7. Noise issues
    5. Open and closed systems
    6. Removable drive
    7. Operating system installation
  7. Other microcomputer topics
    1. LAN configuration
    2. Wireless networking
    3. KVM switches
    4. Power back-up systems (UPS)
    5. Laptop and PDA systems
    6. Scanners and cameras
    7. System backup issues - power, data, software, and system.

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in California
The Pima Community College web site

1 Syllabus1.2 Textbooks1.3 Class content