2.7 Plagiarism2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.5 Labs2.6 Reports



2.6 Reports

The computer field changes so fast that regardless of what you learn in this class much of it will be out of date shortly. The only way to stay current with regard to computers is to read and research constantly. To communicate what you have learned, you need to write. Reading, writing, and research are important in the "white-collar" workplace as well. This importance is reflected in this class by the class requirement of a written report(s). The reports I am asking for are short, between 2 and 4 pages. They need to be done at a college writing level. (I am not a writing instructor.) If you need assistance to achieve a well written reports, ask for the assistance of someone who writes well. Most Pima Community College campuses have learning centers that are available to the students. A list of things to keep in mind:

Almost all students can improve their writing skills and technique. Writing is a life long struggle for some. Better writing skills can make a big difference in someones life. It is worth the effort. Realize that practice helps, time on task helps, and assistance helps. This applies to a lot of areas, not just writing. For this class I have some specific requirements. They are:

You are encouraged to have the Learning Center help you in writing your reports. You can visit the multiple times. They are located West Campus Santa Catalina building (C), second floor, north end in room C217 (Hours: Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM -- 8:00 PM, most Friday 8:00 AM -- 2:00 PM, and no Saturday or Sunday hours. Phone: 206-6819)on the West Campus.

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

2.7 Plagiarism2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.5 Labs2.6 ReportsContentsIndex