3 AssignmentsTop1 Syllabus2 Attendance and Grading Policy

2 Attendance and Grading Policy

2.1 Course Grade



Course Grade


HTML lab 5%
Book report #1 15%
Book report #2 15%
Topic Report 20%

2.2 Grading Scale

Your final grade in the class will be based on this table:

Grading Scale

total >= 90% A
90% > total >= 80% B
80% > total >= 70% C
70% > total >= 50% D
50% > total >= 45% F
45% > total W

The grading scale changes in the event of any plagiarism, cheating, or other violations of the student code of conduct.

Plagiarism Grading Scalen>

total >= 90% A
90% > total >= 80% B
80% > total >= 70% C
70% > total >= 60% D
50% > total F

2.3 Student Centered Learning

This class will use "student centered learning". There will be less lectures and more class discussion than is many classes you may have taken in the past. I will expect that when you arrive at class that you are prepared. Prepare for class by reading the associated material prior to the class. Also use the Internet to look at related material. Each section of the class will start with a short quiz. Discussion of the material will take place after the quiz.

2.4 Attendance

Your attendance in class will help you learn the material covered. You are expected to attend all classes and participate in class discussions. Some times I will take attendance. Non-attendance and late arrival may result in missed quizzes. If lack of attendance and participate in class discussions becomes a problem, attendance and participation may be incorporated into the quiz portion of the class grade.

2.5 Quizzes

The purpose of the quizzes is to encourage you to read and understand the material in the textbook prior to coming to class. The quizzes will be open notes. Taking notes helps most people learn the material they read or listen to in lecture. Plan on reading one chapter from the textbook prior to each 15 question quiz. The quizzes are closed book with hand written notes, so please take notes when you read the chapter. Bring your student number and a pencil.

There will be no make up quizzes except for circumstances deemed exceptional by the instructor. If you arrive more than five (5) minutes past the start of the quiz, you will not be allowed to take the quiz. If you arrive late, you must finish your quiz prior to the last student that arrived on time. If you are going to miss a quiz because of a religious observation you will need to notify me at least one week in advance so that accommodations can be made for you to take the quiz early. Cheating is never acceptable. If you are caught cheating you will receive a score of -15 points for that quiz. This score will not be discarded. See the Student Code of Conduct for other possible outcomes.

2.6 Reports

The computer field changes so fast that regardless of what you learn in this class much of it will be out of date shortly. The only way to stay current with regard to computers is to read and research constantly. To communicate what you have learned, you need to write. Reading, writing, and research are important in the "white-collar" workplace as well. This importance is reflected in this class by the class requirement of a written report(s). The reports I am asking for are short, between 2 and 4 pages. They need to be done at a college writing level. (I am not a writing instructor.) If you need assistance to achieve a well written reports, ask for the assistance of someone who writes well. Most Pima Community College campuses have learning centers that are available to the students. A list of things to keep in mind:

Almost all students can improve their writing skills and technique. Writing is a life long struggle for some. Better writing skills can make a big difference in someones life. It is worth the effort. Realize that practice helps, time on task helps, and assistance helps. This applies to a lot of areas, not just writing. For this class I have some specific requirements. They are:

You are encouraged to have the Learning Center help you in writing your reports. You can visit the multiple times. They are located West Campus Santa Catalina building (C), second floor, north end in room C217 (Hours: Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM -- 8:00 PM, most Friday 8:00 AM -- 2:00 PM, and no Saturday or Sunday hours. Phone: 206-6819)on the West Campus.

2.7 Plagiarism

The Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary[34] defines plagiarize as follows:

1. To steal and use (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own.
2. To take passages or ideas from and use them as one's own.

When writing your reports it is certainly necessary to reference the work of others. It is also important to give credit. As you can see above, I used the dictionary, but there is no doubt about where I got the information. Most issues of plagiarism can be resolved simply by giving credit where credit is due. In general, if you use your mouse to copy text, make sure you have a citation.

The Internet with its search engines has made it both easier to plagiarize and to spot plagiarism. Locating and then copying from a web can take just a few seconds. Re-locating the same work takes, perhaps, even less time. In the past only a very well read individual could locate a plagiarized passage, today both Internet search engines and specific tools make it easy to check for plagiarized passages. For example, a Spring 2006 student plagiarized from an Internet site for their report. To find the original with Google I simply searched for 4 country names in the order that they appeared in the report. Google's first suggestion was where the material came from.

Certainly use the Internet to help you research your topic, or whatever you are researching or writing about, but give credit where credit is due. If you use someone else's phrase, quote it and cite it. If you use an image or drawing in a paper, again, give credit where credit is due.

It is my understanding that seven (7) identical consecutive words in two different documents is usually considered to have been copied. At first glance this seems like it would be impossibly strict. It isn't. Any natural language has so many possible combinations of words that it simply doesn't happen very frequently by accident.

Please note that simply rewriting someone else's work is still plagiarism.

In summary, do your own work. Certainly feel free to include someone else's work, but make sure that there is no doubt about where the material came from, what was used, and who created it.

By the way, check out google print when you get a chance. Google Print is truly an amazing research tool.

2.8 Americans with Disabilities Act

"Pima County Community College District strives to comply with the provisions of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students with disabilities requiring special accommodations are strongly encouraged to notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester so that appropriate verification and identification of reasonable accommodations may be made in a timely manner. (Accommodations cannot be made without verification of need.)" 1

2.9 Class Calendar - Weekend class -- (fall)

Quiz 1 September 8 Saturday Parsons Chapter 1
September 8 Saturday Library
Quiz 2 September 9 Sunday Parsons Chapter 2
Quiz 3 September 9 Sunday Parsons Chapter 3
Quiz 4 September 22 Saturday Parsons Chapter 4
Quiz 5 September 22 Saturday Parsons Chapter 5
Quiz 6 September 23 Sunday Parsons Chapter 6
Quiz 7 September 23 Sunday Parsons Chapter 7
Report September 28 Friday Book Report #1 due
Quiz 8 September 29 Saturday Parsons Chapter 8
Quiz 9 September 29 Saturday Parsons Chapter 9
Quiz 10 September 30 Sunday Parsons Chapter 10
Quiz 11 September 30 Sunday Parsons Chapters 11
Report October 5 Friday Book Report #2 due
Quiz 12 October 6 Saturday Parsons Chapter 12
Quiz 13 October 6 Saturday Comprehensive
Quiz 14 October 6 Saturday Comprehensive
Report October 12 Friday Topic Report due

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

3 AssignmentsTop1 Syllabus2 Attendance and Grading Policy