3.5 Labs3 Attendance and Grading Policy3.3 Attendance3.4 Online Quizzes

3.4 Online Quizzes

There will be one quiz for each chapter. The quizzes will be given online. The quizzes are open book and open notes, but do not plan on referring to reference materials very much. The final is closed book. There will be one quiz for each chapter. Plan on taking two quizzes a week for most of the class. Be prepared to take the scheduled quiz when you arrive at class. These will be given in class. The quizzes will be time limited like the final exam. Students may retake quizzes until the limit imposed by the Cisco web site is reached. All quizzes must be completed prior to taking the final exam.

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

3.5 Labs3 Attendance and Grading Policy3.3 Attendance3.4 Online Quizzes