4 Schedule4.10 Floating Point (Optional/Extra Credit)4.11 Comparative Architectures

4.11 Comparative Architectures

This week we will look at a wide variety of different processor types. We will not be doing any programming, but looking at the different types of processors that are available and there typical applications. We will also look at the similarities.

Please note that all of the processors have a common subset of instructions. ADD, AND, OR, SUB, and XOR. All processors can load and store values to memory, and use constants. They may have other instructions depending on the hardware support: MUL, CALL, RET, and DIV.

4.11.1 Web Sites

  1. Advanced Micro Devices, AMD OpteronTM (NUMA).
  2. Analog Devices DSP.
  3. Intel PentiumTM.
  4. IBM RISC.
  5. Microchip Embedded & DSP.
  6. Freescale Embedded & DSP.
  7. Texas Instruments Embedded & DSP.

4.11.2 Notes - Processor types

This is NOT an all inclusive list and never will be.

4.11.3 Notes - Performance issues

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis.taber.at.pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

4 Schedule4.10 Floating Point (Optional/Extra Credit)4.11 Comparative Architectures