2.6 Labs2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.4 Student Centered Learning2.5 Y Option

2.5 Y Option


If the class has a final exam at the end of the semester you will have an opportunity to specify the lowest grade that you want. If your class does not have a final exam you may request that I submit a Y grade for you if your earned grade is lower than the lowest grade that you want. If you earn a lower final grade, I will submit a Y grade for you. This is not a good option for a variety of reasons. Please drop the class if you can instead of exercising this option. A Y grade is not available to students involved in plagiarism, cheating, or other violations of the student code of conduct.

The "Y" grade description on page 32 of the 2005/2006 college reads as follows:

Y Special Withdrawal: All students are informed of the possible
negative effects of the Y grade.  The decision to grant the 
special withdrawal is based on what is best for the student.

It is my understanding that the "Y" grade does not affect your Pima Community College grade point average and that all in-state universities honor this. Some institutions outside of Arizona treat this grade as a failing grade or "F".

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis dot taber dot at dot pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site: Home site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

2.6 Labs2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.4 Student Centered Learning2.5 Y Option