4 ScheduleTop2 Syllabus3 Attendance and Grading Policy

3 Attendance and Grading Policy

3.1 Course grade

Your course grade will be based on three different class measurements, programming assignments, a midterm test and a final exam.

Programming Assignments 45%
Math/Logic Test 10%
Midterm Test 20%
Final Exam 25%
Total 100%

3.2 Grading Scale


Your final grade in the class will be based on this table:

total >= 90% A
90% > total >= 80% B
80% > total >= 70% C
70% > total >= 50% D
50% > total >= 45% F
45% > total Y 1

3.3 Attendance

Your attendance in class will help you learn the material covered. Some times I will take attendance. If you expect to miss two or more consecutive classes, please contact me by phone or message.

3.4 Y Option


If the class has a final exam at the end of the semester you will have an opportunity to specify the lowest grade that you want. If your class does not have a final exam you may request that I submit a Y grade for you if your earned grade is lower than the lowest grade that you want. If you earn a lower final grade, I will submit a Y grade for you. This is not a good option for a variety of reasons. Please drop the class if you can instead of exercising this option. A Y grade is not available to students involved in plagiarism, cheating, or other violations of the student code of conduct.

The "Y" grade description on page 32 of the 2005/2006 college reads as follows:

Y Special Withdrawal: All students are informed of the possible
negative effects of the Y grade.  The decision to grant the 
special withdrawal is based on what is best for the student.

It is my understanding that the "Y" grade does not affect your Pima Community College grade point average and that all in-state universities honor this. Some institutions outside of Arizona treat this grade as a failing grade or "F".

3.5 Labs

This is a programming class. The lab assignments will involve writing, entering, assembling, running, testing, and debugging programs. The programs in this class will need to be written and checked using an assembler on a Intel 386, 486 or Pentium, AMD Athlon or Opteron, or other compatible processor.

For all programs turned in I will need the printed output and some convincing data that the program has been tested. There are many forms this can take. Spreadsheets are great tools for testing math. Even a copy of my handout will work for some programs. A hand written note will often do.

There is NO credit for programs that do not run. Usually, I will just use your output to verify the program is running correctly, but I can ask for you a demonstration.

The lab work will need to be done independently. Labs may be cross checked using an analysis program.  

Labs need to be turned in on time. The lab work is essential to the understanding of the lectures. Late labs will be accepted at the discretion of the instructor and a penalty may be applied.

3.6 Math/Logic Test

Early in the class there will be a test on:

3.7 Midterm

There will be one midterm exam. This will cover the first part of the class.

3.8 Final Exam

The only other exam in the class will be a comprehensive final exam. It will include a sampling from all of the material covered in the class. \subsection{Class Calendar}


Class Calendar
Activity Date Credit
Introduction August 23, 2006
Numbers August 28, 2006
UNIX/Linux August 30, 2006
Lab "Getting Started" September 6, 2006 10pts
Lab "Numbers and Bits" September 6, 2006 10pts
Lab "Intro to Assembly Language" September 11, 2006 10pts
Math Test September 11, 2006 10%
Lab "Flow of Control" September 25, 2006 20pts
Lab "Bit fields, rotate & shift" October 2, 2006 15pts
Lab "Subroutines" October 23, 2006 25pts
Midterm Exam October 25, 2006 20%
Lab "Pointers and Addressing" November 9, 2006 30pts
Lab "Structures" November 27, 2006 30pts
Lab "Floating Point" December 4, 2006 20pts XC
Lab "Comparative Architectures" December 4, 2006 15pts XC
Review December 6, 2006
Final Exam December 11, 2006 25%

3.9 Team work

There may be team work assignments in this class. This could involve lab work, in class activities, and tests. If team work is done, the same score will be assigned to the entire team for that section.

3.10 Americans with Disabilites Act

"Pima County Community College District strives to comply with the provisions of

Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students with disabilities requiring special accommodations are strongly encouraged to notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester so that appropriate verification and identification of reasonable accommodations may be made in a timely manner. (Accommodations cannot be made without verification of need.)" 2

Instructor: Louis Taber, louis dot taber dot at dot pima at gmail dot com (520) 206-6850
My web site: Home site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

4 ScheduleTop2 Syllabus3 Attendance and Grading Policy