Louis Taber
Introduction to the UNIX Operating System

©Louis Taber, PCC

January 17, 2005

This document is the syllabus, labs, attendance and grading policy, and most of the handouts used in Louis Taber's CIS137 class.

I would like to thank Kevin Walter, Joshua Geller, Cindy Dooling, the Computer Science Department at Pima Community College, West Campus, and many unnamed students for their help and assistance in getting the materials ready for my class and helping my class run smoothly. I would also like to thank Carole Kempe for proofreading this document.

This document is written in a version of LaTeX called HyperLaTeX written by Otfried Cheong. HyperLaTeX uses Leslie Lamport's LaTeX, a document preparation system, Donald E. Knuth's TeX, a typesetting program, and the FSF emacs text editor.

Links to sections.

Instructor: Louis Taber, ltaber at uml dot lt dot Tucson dot AZ dot us (520) 206-6850
My new web Home site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site