4.9 Floating Point (Optional/Extra Credit)4 Schedule4.7 Pointers and addressing4.8 Structures

4.8 Structures

4.8.1 Reading and Web Sites

  1. Look at memory addressing again.

4.8.2 Notes

4.8.3 Lab Assignment, Structures

Write a program in assembly language that:

  1. Prints your name, class (CIS250), the date and "Structures"
  2. Write a bubble sort routine that is passed the start of a list of structures. Sort using first field as a sort key of unsigned numbers, Re-arrange the pointers, NOT the data.
  3. Write a bubble sort routine that is passed the start of a list of structures. Sort using second field as a sort key of signed numbers, Re-arrange the pointers, NOT the data.
  4. Print the structures prior to any sort.
  5. Sort on the first field -- ascending.
  6. Print the structures using my subroutine.
  7. Sort on the second field -- descending.
  8. Print the structures using my subroutine.
  9. The structure is set up as follow:

Turn in a printed error free listing and the output of your program. Include a copy of any testing that you did to verify the program was correct.

Instructor: Louis Taber, ltaber at uml dot lt dot Tucson dot AZ dot us (520) 206-6850
My new web Home site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

4.9 Floating Point (Optional/Extra Credit)4 Schedule4.7 Pointers and addressing4.8 Structures