2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.7 Reports2.8 Americans with Disabilites Act

2.8 Americans with Disabilites Act

"Pima County Community College District strives to comply with the provisions of

Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students with disabilities requiring special accommodations are strongly encouraged to notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester so that appropriate verification and identification of reasonable accommodations may be made in a timely manner. (Accommodations cannot be made without verification of need.)"2

\subsectionFall Class Calendar  
August 25, 2005 First Day of Classes
August 25, 2005 Introduction
Quiz 1 September 1, 2005 Dean Chapter 1
Quiz 2 September 8, 2005 Dean Chapter 2
Quiz 3 September 15, 2005 Dean Chapters 3
Quiz 4 September 22, 2005 Dean Chapter 4
Quiz 5 September 29, 2005 Dean Chapter 5
Quiz 6 October 6, 2005 Dean Chapter 6
Lab Due October 6, 2005 10Base-T cable
Quiz 7 October 13, 2005 Dean Chapter 7
Quiz 8 October 20, 2005 Dean Chapters 8 & 10
Quiz 9 October 27, 2005 Dean Chapter 9
Quiz 10 November 3, 2005 Dean Chapter 11
Quiz 11 November 10, 2005 Dean Chapter 12
Quiz 12 November 17, 2005 Dean Chapter 13
Report November 18, 2005 Networking Report Due
November 24, 2005 Thanksgiving
Quiz 13 December 1, 2005 Dean Chapter 14
Lab Due December 1, 2005 Linux OS Install
Quiz 14 December 8, 2005 Comprehensive
December 21, 2005 Grades Due

Instructor: Louis Taber, ltaber at uml dot lt dot Tucson dot AZ dot us (520) 206-6850
My new web Home site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

2 Attendance and Grading Policy2.7 Reports2.8 Americans with Disabilites Act