![]() | ![]() | ![]() | 2.8 Microcomputer report |
The computer field changes so fast that regardless of what you learn in this class some of it will be out of date shortly. The only way to stay current in regard to computers is to read and research constantly. To communicate what you have learned, you need to write. Reading, writing, and research are important in the "white-collar" workplace as well. Thi s importance is reflected in this class by the class requirement of a written report(s). The reports I am asking for are short, between 3 and 6 pages. They need to be proofread by the Learning Center. (I am not a writing instructor.) This is to help you with your writing skills and technique. As with many things in life, practice helps, time on task helps, and assistance helps. Writing is no different.
Now some thing you should already know:
The reports must be original writing done for this class. The reports must be done with a word processor, and must be proof read. This must be done by the writing lab. All reference used must be cited completely. If a quote from someone else's work is used, it must give a complete citation. You may NOT paraphrase someone else's work and call it your own. Plagiarism is not acceptable. If you plagiarize or copy the work of others you will receive full negative credit for the report.
The Learning Center is located West Campus Santa Catalina building (C), second floor, north end in room C217 (Hours: Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM -- 8:00 PM, most Friday 8:00 AM -- 2:00 PM, and no Saturday or Sunday hours. Phone: 206-6819). Please attach the marked up version of your document to the back of your final version. The Learning Center will, in addition to marking up your draft document, date and sign the first page and initial all of the other pages.
Please double space the draft of the report that you take to Learning Center. This will assist them in proof reading your report.
The length of the reports is expected to be between 3 and 6 pages each single spaced, 12 point type (Not counting cover sheets). If you run out of things to write about, please stop. It is the content that is important, not the length. If your report is much less than 3 pages, perhaps you need to do more research, or think a bit more about the book you just read.
Reports are due at the start of class. Failure to turn a report on time will result in the loss of 1% of your class grade per day it is late.
Possible topics for your report:
Note: Consider other microcomputer related topics.
Be sure to attach the proof read copy to your final report when you turn it in.
Please simply staple the pages together. I do not want any plastic sleeves. Thanks. The written report is due Friday December 2, 2005.
The class presentation needs to be scheduled with me. Please give me two weeks notice for when you expect to be ready.
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | 2.8 Microcomputer report |