Reading ListTop2 Attendance and Grading Policy3 Assignments

3 Assignments

3.1 Book reports

You will need to do two book reports this semester. The books must be non-fiction, non-textbook, non-manual, computer related books. If you have a question about a specific book, PLEASE ASK. Be wary of books that are more than then (10) years old. This is a computer class and the industry does move quickly.

I recommend that you take notes while reading the book you are reporting on.

Please see the reading list for possible books to read.

The reports should be your thoughts on the subjects covered in the book, NOT a summary of the books content.

The cover sheet needs to include:  

3.2 Topic report

You will need to research a computer related topic and write a report on it for this class. It is required that you have at least 5 references. Try to keep the references relevant. Most references should have been written within the last five (5) years. There is little need to go past 10 references. Make sure that you use different types of references. I require at least three different types. Ideally have at least one from each of the following categories:

These need to be listed after your report.

We will spend one class period in the Library where a research librarian will provide the class with pointers on doing research. This will include some of the pitfalls of Internet research and how to locate and access other possible information sources.

The topic paper will require the use of the Internet.

Some possible topics:

Please remember, the emphasis is on the computers in this class. So for any of the above topics make sure the area you research and write about is computer related.

Instructor: Louis Taber, ltaber at uml dot lt dot Tucson dot AZ dot us (520) 206-6850
My new web Home site in Cleveland, OH
The Pima Community College web site

Reading ListTop2 Attendance and Grading Policy3 Assignments